11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure

11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure
にアップロードされたファイル : 2024-04-15
LAXD's ID: 10933392 (ZhhRCdtfsWvuYRUzHW1Tch2)
間隔: 23:46
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11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure

When a woman is experiencing pleasure through masturbation,
a substance called beta-endorphin is released that brings about a sense of well-being,
which leads to a reduction in stress. If a woman masturbates when she is mentally repressed, she can relax somewhat.

And stress is not good for the body. Masturbating to relieve sexual desire not only relieves stress,
but it is also beneficial when you are frustrated by other matters.

11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure


11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure 11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure gallery photo 1 11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure gallery photo 2 11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure gallery photo 3 11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure gallery photo 4 11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure gallery photo 5 11-When a woman is experiencing pleasure gallery photo 6



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